How to use cat litter to save the most? And it doesn't stick to the bottom and is easy to clean?

Date: 2023-05-31 16:34

Category: Company News

Author: Admin

There are various types of cat litter on the market, and the quality is also uneven. Today we will mainly talk about the mainstream types of cat litter and the ...

There are various types of cat litter on the market, and the quality is also uneven. Today we will mainly talk about the mainstream types of cat litter and the general situation related to its use.

What kind of cat litter should I choose?

Our commonly used cat litter includes tofu sand, bentonite, zeolite sand, mixed sand... These types of cat litter have their own advantages and disadvantages, and you can choose according to your own situation.

Tofu paste is the most common. The raw material is generally soybean residue, which is relatively safe. It has good agglomeration and deodorization effects, and relatively less dust. It can also be flushed directly into the toilet. It's more convenient, but pure tofu paste is easier to stick to the bottom.

Bean curd is suitable for cats, kittens, cats with respiratory tract sensitivity, cats with urinary system diseases, etc. who are prone to ingest foreign objects by mistake.

Bentonite cat litter is also very common, and its price is much cheaper than other cat litter. The particles are delicate and give the cat the best foot feel, and the agglomeration effect is also good. However, the dust is much larger than other cat litter, and tofu paste cannot be washed off when using the toilet.

Families with multiple cats have a high consumption of cat litter, so they can choose bentonite, pay attention to frequently shovel feces, and replace the litter with new ones in a timely manner.

Zeolite cat litter has the smallest particle size and more prominent agglomeration effect. Intelligent cat litter boxes generally use zeolite sand, but among several types of cat litter, dust is the largest.

Mixed sand is generally composed of tofu sand, bentonite, and deodorizing and antibacterial particles. It is an optimized version of pure tofu sand and purple sand. The wrapping effect is good, and it can also flush the toilet.

Generally speaking, the applicability of mixed cat litter is relatively highest, and most cats can choose to use mixed cat litter.

How much cat litter should I use at once?

Pouring out an appropriate amount of cat litter at once depends on the size of the litter pot, the type of litter, the number of cats, and usage habits.

A cat uses a regular sized litter bowl (approximately 41cm x 60cm):

Pure tofu is easy to stick to the bottom. Suggest spreading at least 7 centimeters deep. If the cat likes to dig the sand to the bottom or stick to the toilet, it is recommended to spread it over 10cm, otherwise it is easier to stick to the bottom.

Bentonite can generally be sprinkled 5cm because the particles are small and easy to roll, making it difficult for cats to dig to the bottom. Of course, if you are a cat who doesn't love the restroom, it is recommended to lay it at least 7cm thick.

It is recommended to sprinkle zeolite sand up to 10cm, which will provide a great experience and make it easy to shovel. If it is a smart cat litter basin, sprinkle it according to the recommended amount in the manual.

Suggest sprinkling around 7cm of mixed cat litter. For cats with bad habits, use or replace litter pots as needed.

How often does cat litter change?

In general, cat litter should be thoroughly replaced every 15 days and the litter basin cleaned.

If you shovel excrement diligently and at least twice a day, then a basin of sand can take about 20-30 days.

Pay attention to the condition of the cat litter. If cat litter is found to be damp, with a lot of dust or small lumps at the bottom, it should be replaced promptly. At this point, cat litter is prone to bacterial overflow. Persisting in using cat litter can easily increase the risk of reproductive infections.

How to use cat litter to save money?

Many people believe that putting less litter is more cost-effective. In fact, fewer cat litter is more likely to be wasted.

The cat litter is laid too thin to clump easily. After a cat urinates, it is easy to form a puddle of mud at the bottom, which is not good for wrapping feces. Pots are more prone to getting dirty, and the deodorization effect is also greatly reduced. A pot of cat litter is more likely to be contaminated and has a shorter usage time.

If the cat litter is spread thick enough, after the cat excretes, the litter will clump quickly and will not stick to the bottom, nor will it contaminate the surrounding litter. It's easy to pick it up when shoveling. As long as it is added in a timely manner, the overall experience will be much better.